

現在はロンドンで、主婦、ファションライター、たまにヘアモデルなどをしています。今後はパーソナルショッパーや、商品企画、売れるお店作り(レイアウト、VMD)、人材育成(売れる接客、販売方法)、PR、販売促進などの自らの経験と実績をもとに、フリーランスとしてファッションだけではなく、いろんなジャンルでも活躍できるよう活動中です。▶︎Fashion Column▶︎Hair model

Hello♡I'm HiRO. Welcome to my Blog! 

I'm a blogger, Fashion coordinator and Japanese girl in London!. I was born in Sendai Japan and moved to Tokyo when I was 19 years old after being offered a position with a new apparel company. I was hired as a sales assistant but quickly moved up to managing the store. Eventually I was involved in directing the company, designing the collections and handling PR and brand management. It was hard work but a really great experience especially as the store was located in the 109 building in Shibuya. 

I studied English in Australia for 6 months in 2012 and travelled to Korea, China, Los Angeles and Paris as part of my job. In 2014 I decided I wanted to travel more, study English further and see more foreign fashion so quit my job and headed for London and New York!

Visiting London and New York was amazing but I met my partner and future husband in London and now after marriage and a successful visa application, this is my new home.

This blog is for everything I love, Fashion, Beauty, Food and fun and interesting lifestyles and places. I hope you enjoy my posts and have fun reading about my experiences!
